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COVID-19: After August 5, what’s allowed and not allowed in Pune and Mumbai

It’s been a while since life in Mumbai and Pune was locked indoors. However, considering a fall in COVID-19 cases, Maharastra government has issued a number of relaxations amidst the extended lockdown that’d be continued till August 31. Here is a list of what’s been allowed and not allowed during this lockdown. Read below…

What is Allowed?

  1. Malls and complexes will be opened and operational between 9am and 7pm from 5 August. Although, areas of concerned gatherings like, theatres, food courts and restaurants in these complexes will remain shut.
  2. Food courts and restaurants in malls are allowed only for home delivery.
  3. Non-team outdoor sports like golf, firing ranges for practises, gymnastics, tennis, badminton will be allowed with social distancing and sanitation measures.
  4. Rules and guidelines for private-public transports have been issued. Cab- 3 passengers, auto-rickshaws-2 passengers, four-wheelers- 1+3 and two-wheelers- 2 passengers are allowed but only for essential practises.
  5. Shops catering only essential supplies can stay open from 9am to 7pm.
  6. Non-essential markets and shops can function between 9am and 7pm.
  7. E-commerce deliveries (essential/ non-essential) can continue.
  8. Inter-district travel within the Mumbai Metropolitan Region is allowed for essential services and travel for offices.

What is not allowed?

  1. Gyms and fitness centres will remain shut.
  2. Swimming pools will remain inaccessible.
  3. Stepping outdoors for non-essential practises like shopping and outdoor exercises are not allowed, with or without masks.
  4. Long-distance travelling for non-essential reasons is still not allowed. One needs to have an e-pass to do so.
  5. A night curfew will be practised 10pm to 5am.